Our success in the 6th MTJI

Date. 2019/12/03 News
DUNLOP had been showcased the whole series of PR01 Portable Ramps at MTJI 2019

We welcomed all of you visiting DUNLOP’s booth at MTJI from 27-29 Nov.

It was our honour to exchange ideas on how to utilize DUNLOP’s durable and lightweight portable ramps to enhance barrier-free facilities, enable companies to provide even better travel experience to your target customers. Focusing on continuous product development, we believe our know-how could give you comprehensive solutions to cater to your needs.

Discover what makes DUNLOP PR01 series famous among railway companies in Japan?

Check this out. https://www.dunlop-care.com/products/dunlop/pr01/

More event photos…

For further inquiries such as getting quotation or purchasing, please contact our distributors as below.

Singapore, Malaysia & Thailand- United BMEC Ptd Ltd

Tel: (65) 6305 2525  Email: info@unitedbmec.com

Hong Kong- FH Rehabilitation Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Tel: (852) 2413 0227  Email: info@fuking.com

China中国- 広东頤思科養老服务產业有限公司   

Tel电話: (86) 0769 2366 3317

South Korea (Railway business)-CoHaMa Co., Ltd

Tel: (82) 031 898 8360  Email: sales1@cohama.com

South Korea (Others)- CaremaxKorea

Tel: (82) 031 901 9163  Email: sjjun@caremaxkorea.com


Let us know more about your questions and expectations.
